One new resident at the popular Claremont aged care home, Mercy Place Mont Clare, is 75-year-old Charmaine Brown, who started life in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia back in 1947, after her father – a tropical disease pathologist working for the World Health Organisation – was transferred from British Borneo after World War II.
In a statement released via email Monday 24 October, Loreto Ministries acting chief executive Paul Ould said that for many years, the changing demographic and educational landscape of the catchment area has presented challenges to the Loreto Province of Australia and South East Asia (the Province) and, more recently, to Loreto Ministries.
A new report by the Australian Catholic University and the United Workers Union found that the COVID-19 health crisis was worsened by government policies at a state and federal level which saw a winding back of JobKeeper and the Coronavirus Supplement.
The decision marks a major milestone in WA’s journey through the pandemic, with Mr McGowan saying the Government was confident the virus could now be safely managed in the community.
A recent practical and creative arts exhibition at Chisholm College saw guest speaker and former student Olive Cheng speak about her journey to becoming an artist.
Leaders of Western Australia’s Catholic, Muslim and Jewish communities – which all share a common origin Abraham – have last week come together to speak about issues that unite them and strengthen the bonds of friendship.
Professor Father Eamonn Conway has last week provided a rich and stimulating address exploring how faith and integral human development intersect, and their importance in creating intellectually and spiritually developed people who live their lives authentically.
Fifty years ago, Mercy Sisters from St Brigid’s West Perth had the foresight to establish Mercy College Koondoola, with the College now claiming the benefits of that initiative and the carrying out of that mission ever since.
Armadale Parish Priest Father Mark Baumgarten will next month host a live music event titled, “An Afternoon of Songs (and a few stories)”.