Welcome to Issue 38 of The Record Magazine. Firstly, we feature a special interview with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and America Magazine journalist, Gerard O’Connell, who tells of Archbishop Costelloe’s words to Pope Francis, “The church in Australia is alive!”
More than 800 people gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sunday 8 January for the 11am Mass on the Feast of the Epiphany, following the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on Saturday 31 December, aged 95, nearly 10 years after leaving the papacy to retire to what he said would be a life of prayer and study.
Australia’s Catholic Bishops have mourned the passing of Cardinal George Pell, who died in Rome age 81 after suffering a heart attack, brought on by complications from hip replacement surgery.
Richard Nettles started attending Centacare’s SEE Program in October 2021, during which he was able to explore his creative talent through the program’s extracurricular activity day by making artwork and sharing his love for indigenous art with his peers.
The theme of this year’s Flame Ministries Congress is ‘Heart of Worship’ and the aim is to bring participants into a deeper and more intimate relationship with God.
In celebrating 40 years of life as a priest and religious, Norbertine Fr Peter Joseph Stiglich O Praem says he drew his spiritual strength from having grown up in a faithful Catholic family.
WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office Director Deacon Greg told The Record that in partnership with the St Vincent de Paul Society, who also made a significant financial contribution, WACMRO assisted 28 newly arrived families, mainly mothers and children in 2022.
In his 2022 Christmas Message, Bunbury Bishop Gerard Holohan says that sharing in God’s nature, we have become adopted sons and daughters of God and brothers and sisters of Christ. We are ‘new creations’. All who, through Baptism, are human by nature and divine by adoption, are members of God’s family, the Church.
The Hobart Archdiocese has last week celebrated the ordination to the diaconate of Perth born Br John Joseph LEB from the Little Eucharistic Brothers of Divine Will.
His day of ordination belonged to the Church, the newly ordained deacon emphasised in his address after Mass, thanking the many who had been involved in his journey from its very beginning in Perth, Western Australia.