St Charles Seminary Rector Fr Francis Nguyen is inviting all single men from across the Archdiocese of Perth to a day of reflection to recognise the voice of Jesus in their life.
Mr Pyne has extensive experience in health care, including more than 20 years at St John of God Health Care where he has held a range of senior executive positions within hospitals and at corporate head office.
Speaking in a Pastoral Letter released Tuesday 11 April, Archbishop Costelloe explained that the Assembly will consider the re-establishment of a Diocesan Pastoral Council.
“God really is as close to us, and as compassionate and merciful towards us, and as loving, as Jesus proclaimed him to be,” Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has said, speaking during his homilies for Easter at St Mary’s Cathedral.
As the Perth Palm Sunday 2023 theme and promotional flyer highlighted, guests gathered to ‘Walk for Peace… against the horrors of war and persecution that forces people to flee their homes’.
Responding to an invitation from Geraldton Bishop Michael Morrissey, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese, Archbishop Balvo described his time as one of ‘encounter’.
The launch of Project Compassion 2023 saw more than 200 Masses held across the country with a Caritas Australia Representative speaking about Project Compassion.
In Perth, more than 2,000 students heard from Caritas Australia’s CEO, Kristy Robertson, who shared her first-hand experiences working with Project Compassion at an event co-hosted by Servite College and St Kieran’s Catholic Primary School.
“We Catholics believe, that is, we know with the certainty of our faith, that in Jesus we have so much more than a really good man who lived a wonderful life and left us a remarkable legacy and a powerful teaching,” said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, speaking on Palm Sunday, 2 April.
In his 2023 Easter Message for the Diocese of Geraldton and Broome, Bishop Michael Morrissey says he has seen people’s faith, joy, hope and deep connection with their risen Lord, despite circumstances and situations often challenging, with no easy answers.
In his 2023 Easter Message, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton says that to lose hope altogether, and to give up on life, is surely one of the saddest fates than can befall any human being.
“And yet, it seems, there is a spreading hopelessness, an emptiness, in our society which should concern us.”