Speaking during the Mass of ordination to the priesthood of St Charles Seminary formed Nathan Barrie, Bunbury Bishop Gerard Holohan told the new priest that the effectiveness of his ministry will depend upon his having ‘the stench of the flock’ – quoting the image envisioned by Pope Francis.
Attended by student representatives from 25 schools, the Secondary Schools Forum for LifeLink Day was held at Aranmore Catholic College and livestreamed to Catholic schools across the Archdiocese.
The convening of the Diocesan Assembly, said Archbishop Costelloe, is a relatively modest initiative, but it is designed to set a pattern for ongoing consultation and discernment. The First Archdiocesan Assembly is set to be launched Sunday 4 June at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Ballajura Parish Mary MacKillop Church has been blessed with a new statue of the Virgin Mary, titled ‘Our Lady of Ballajura, Comforter of Migrants’ with Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe inviting all Christians to have her words ‘Do whatever he tells you’ emblazoned on their heart.
Catholic Outreach Director Marietta Russo told The Record that the Immaculate Heart Care program at Scarborough Parish is the perfect example of those who offer their time, energy and talents to help those in the community in need of assistance.
Under the partnership, St John of God has provided $160,000 in scholarship funding that will support four of the University’s Indigenous medical students over the four years of their postgraduate degree program.
Despite the cold windy weather, some 135 people gathered at the Shrine with Deacon Errol Lobo from Armadale Parish, Hilbert leading the Rosary procession.
The 22nd General Assembly of Caritas Internationalis, held 11 to 16 May in Rome has elected Ms Robertson to serve the Confederation over the next four years across 162 national Caritas member organisations.
St Vincent De Paul Society Swan Region Conference President Vivian D’Almeida speaks about the recent commissioning’s and milestones held Sunday 19 March – the first celebration in two years.
Sunday 30 April marked Good Shepherd Sunday, where 13 men made enquiries at St Charles Seminary as part of the annual Vocations Open Day.