The event showcased the sustained partnership between UNDA and CEWA while delving into the pivotal role of formation in Catholic education.
The cross-party group of Parliamentarians was able to witness how local communities are dealing with the impacts of inequality, climate change and natural disasters.
Commencing with the 9am Mass, Sunday 16 July, the celebrations continued with a celebratory cutting of the cake by long-time parishioners, including 84-year-old Marian Randall, 84, Portio Curton, 83 and Rose Pearce, 83.
Ministry training at Acts 2 College includes working with youth, strategic Catholic youth ministry, communications, evangelisation skills, working legally and ethically, events management, personal and professional leadership, liturgy, and presentation skills.
The fine weather matched the happy faces on Sunday 2 July as 160 volunteers and people with intellectual disabilities gathered at Aquinas College for the PAS Annual Community Celebration.
Jesus challenges our normal way of thinking, Archbishop Costelloe tells Archdiocesan staff
With recent and prominent cyber-attacks, data breaches are becoming an increasing threat to all organisations and their people, and the impact of data breaches can be far reaching on an organisational and individual level.
Over the last three years particularly, the Catholic Women’s League WA Inc. has concentrated on supporting women who are struggling emotionally, physically and financially – fulfilling Object 3 of our national objectives.
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has reminded some 200 delegates from Perth and Bunbury who are travelling to World Youth in Portugal, not to fall into the trap of creating the Jesus that suits us.
Aquinas College Schola Cantorum (School Choir), directed by Hugh Lyndon performed at the 9.30am Mass on 18 June, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to officially launch the new organ.