Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd Executive Director, Dr Debra Sayce has this week been appointed to the role of Head of Mission Enhancement for the Archdiocese of Perth, while current Deputy Executive Director Wayne Bull will become the new Executive Director of CEWA Ltd for 2024.
Speaking at the 2023 Archbishop Annual Christmas Appeal launch, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton has drawn on the message of Pope Francis who reminded Catholics around the world,
‘Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor’.
At the heart of this World Mission Month appeal was the story of Sr Carolina and the Venilale community in rural Timor-Leste, as they face many health challenges such as tuberculosis and malnutrition.
UNDA Chancellor Hon Chris Ellison said The Sir Frank Ledger Trust Business Scholarship will ensure that Sir Frank Ledgers commitment to recognition, excellence and equity for Western Australian youth is fulfilled for generations to come.
This year, the liturgy included a special quadrennial commissioning ceremony, acknowledging those who have achieved important milestones in their formation and service as catechists.
One of the most intriguing aspects of Professor Overhoff’s research is his emphasis on the importance of archives.
Archives, he asserts, are repositories of truth, where history and records are meticulously preserved in words and documents.
This year’s Anti-Poverty Week, which took place from 15 to 27 October, shone a light on the children of families who receive inadequate social security payments and depend on emergency support from charities such as St Vincent de Paul Society.
Professor Bremner is a highly respected thoracic physician and Professor for Respiratory Medicine, at St John of God Murdoch Hospital.
Notre Dame Vice Chancellor Professor Francis Campbell said the new Student Hub would form the heart of the Fremantle campus, creating a space where students can enjoy being a part of a welcoming and engaged academic community.
A new report launched Wednesday 25 October by the Valuing Children Initiative has made key recommendations following a survey of more than 1000 adults across Australia which asked how they felt about children and young people.