The visit to the parish gave Bishop Don the opportunity to meet with Parish Priest Fr Jeronimo Flamenco Castillo and the parish leadership team, ministry coordinators and parishioners, as well as St Peters Primary School Leadership Group, teachers and students.
The momentous occasion provided a unique opportunity for our Year 11 and 12 students to gain firsthand insights into the workings of the Australian Parliament and the impact of successful policy implementations in their area.
The New Colombo Plan Scholarship, an Australian Government initiative, supports Australian undergraduates studying and interning in the Indo-Pacific.
Perth Presentation Sister Emmanuel Crocetti PBVM will be remembered as a kind and caring soul, following her passing to eternal life on 7 December 2023.
Retirement can be your chance to make a fresh start – but it pays to think about your lifestyle and priorities beforehand.
In his homily for the 25th anniversary of Mary Mackillop Church and 35th anniversary of Ballajura Parish, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe spoke about our understanding of sacraments.
Catholic Institute Western Australia Managing Director, Dr John Topliss said students wanting to advance their education or religious education degrees to a Masters can now incorporate Catholic social teaching, and the role of God and integral ecology, into their studies – and indeed, into their future careers as a result.
Current estimates indicate that 41,000 men and women are living in modern slavery in Australia, often in plain sight, with a global total of 50 million people.
This year marked a very special celebration with the 25th Anniversary of LifeLink Day – with the occasion on 6 June being held exactly 25 years ago that the very first LifeLink Day for primary Schools launch was held.
As a not for profit, St John of God Health Care returns all surpluses to the communities it serves by providing social outreach services to people experiencing disadvantage, developing new services, investing in our people, and updating and expanding health care facilities, technology, and equipment.