Caritas Australia has been working to prevent domestic violence alongside our Partners in places like Timor-Leste.
Dinia lost not just her husband, but the financial security that his job at the mines brought when he passed away unexpectedly, while she was pregnant with their fifth child.
Former National Director of Caritas Sri Lanka, Father George Sigamony, has been appointed as the new Manager of Community Engagement for Caritas Australia.
Sister Janet Palafox has only been in Perth for a little over two years, but there will be a lot of sad faces when finishes up her role as Diocesan Co-ordinator for Caritas Australia next month.
Attendees at Caritas Australia’s inaugural Women for the World (WFTW) luncheon have been inspired by the story of a young Filipino woman who went from collecting rubbish on the outskirts of Manila to studying for her Masters in Social Work.
Caritas Australia is holding an inaugural Women for the World luncheon in support of empowering work with women around the world next Wednesday.
Only days after the 2016 Project Compassion Appeal was launched at St Mary’s Cathedral, Caritas Australia has again turned its attention to its core mission of supporting long-term development programs in impoverished communities around the world.
In solidarity with the world’s most marginalised, staff from Catholic Youth Ministry Perth (CYM) together with Caritas Australia Perth Office last month participated in the City to Surf Fun Run with the aim of raising money and awareness for Caritas’ aid and development work.
Caritas Australia has last week reported that is working with its local partner, Caritas in Myanmar (Karuna Mission Social Solidarity [KMSS]), in assisting those who’ve been affected by Cyclone Komen.
Caritas Australia, the Catholic Church’s international aid and development agency, challenges you to help conquer global poverty by cycling kilometres for compassion across the rural countryside in Cambodia, in solidarity with marginalised communities.