Yohanes Baskoro has been caught up in a whirlwind tour of Australia as part of the Caritas Project Compassion launch serie
Walking thousands of kilometres alone in an African desert, with nothing but a soccer ball and an iPod for company, is something that few of us would contemplate. Canberra adventurer and Caritas Australia supporter, Matt Napier, however, did exactly that, walking thousands of kilometres to raise money for those living in poverty, with a 1900-kilometre walk across the Namib Desert.
Caritas Australia is supporting and empowering Filipino commu¬nities like Aloma’s, in the aftermath of extreme weather events and the effects of climate change.
Through the People’s Community Network (PCN), Caritas is advocating successfully for rights, services, and a more secure future for the residents of informal settlements in Fiji to provide access to the most basic of rights such as land tenure, housing, sanitation, roads, education, and a secure livelihood.
When Caritas Australia stepped into Nguyet’s life, it changed forever.
Men like Uncle Richard are engaging in a journey of healing from the trauma of being a member of the Stolen Generations, through the Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation (KBHAC), supported by Caritas Australia.