Perth Catholics have this year been invited to think about the great yes that Mary spoke when the angel told her she was to become the mother of Jesus.
Released to the Catholic community this week, Why Do We Gather? presented by Sr Kerry Willison RSM as the fourth and final video of the Liturgical Formation and Renewal Program, focuses on the words in the Eucharistic prayer ‘Do this in memory of me’. (Luke: 22:19).
The death of a baby, highlighted Pregnancy Assistance Counsellor Lisette Jas, at any stage of pregnancy can be a very sad, distressing, and overwhelming time.
Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton has last weekend Saturday 18 March celebrated the Day of the Unborn Child Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.
In the liturgical celebration of the sacraments, important stages of life are made holy, said Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn.
Speaking in the first of four videos for the recently launched Liturgical Formation and Renewal Program, Fr Vincent continued by saying that baptism sanctifies our human life, marriage sanctifies our love for another, the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick allows us to experience God entering into our suffering and the Eucharist feeds us and nourishes us for this life and eternal life. By Jamie O’Brien.
In launching a new program of Liturgical Formation and Renewal this week, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB says it is important the Perth Catholic community reflect on what it means to be a Christ-centred Church that is prayerful and Eucharistic.
Over the next four weeks, video messages highlighting an understanding of Sacramentality, Why we Gather to celebrate Liturgy, Signs and Symbols in the Liturgy and What is Liturgy, will be shown in our parish communities.
An anti-slavery project was launched at St Mary’s Cathedral last Saturday 11 February and will run until the end of the year, which will include a review of procurement policies and practises as well as faith formation and social education sessions.
Richard Nettles started attending Centacare’s SEE Program in October 2021, during which he was able to explore his creative talent through the program’s extracurricular activity day by making artwork and sharing his love for indigenous art with his peers.
WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office Director Deacon Greg told The Record that in partnership with the St Vincent de Paul Society, who also made a significant financial contribution, WACMRO assisted 28 newly arrived families, mainly mothers and children in 2022.
The Employee and Volunteer of the Year Awards are an annual event to recognise the good works of CSSWA members, employees and volunteers, who witness the four pillars of Catholic Social Teaching in their respective agencies.
Nageena Maskinyar was a student under the Job Ready program, where she undertook the taster program at Centacare Employment and Training.