To live according to the Bible, said Perth Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, is to be aware that “we are living in an age of the Risen Lord, the age of the Holy Spirit.”
The 30th anniversary of LifeLink and 25th anniversary of the Archbishop’s LifeLink Day Initiative were reason to celebrate on the Feast of Mary MacKillop.
Speech by Bishop Don Sproxton on the Feast of St Mary MacKillop 30th Anniversary of LifeLink and 25th Anniversary of LifeLink Day
Commentary on changing mindsets that housing is a proposition on investment to one that housing is a fundamental human need was strongly echoed by all workshop participants.
On the morning of 31 July 31, the tranquil setting of St Mary’s Cathedral was filled with an air of reverence and celebration as Catholic Social Services Western Australia (CSSWA) gathered to honour the outstanding contributions of two remarkable women—Belinda Bowden and Rosa Pasquale—at the annual Employee and Volunteer of the Year Awards.
The evening was further enriched by guest speaker Shirley Eldridge, who captivated the audience with insights from her newly launched book, Woman For Sale, shedding light on the realities of trafficking and exploitation.
Catholic Mission Director Francis Leong reflected on how as a sign of the times, grandparents are called upon more often to look after their grandchildren and even great grandchildren.
This year PAS celebrates 35 years of service to people with intellectual disability, so each person was provided with their own individual birthday cupcake labelled with the PAS logo.
The theme of the Conference invites women to step into the journey with other like-minded Catholic women from all walks of life to be formed and equipped for the challenges of today’s world in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene.