For it is we who are, in our various roles, called to be the ones who, in God’s name, offer the gift of life to others, Archbishop Costelloe told Perth Archdiocesan agency staff last week, Thursday 18 August at St Mary’s Cathedral, for the annual Archdiocesan Agencies Mass.
Speaking ahead of the upcoming annual Marriage Day Mass on Saturday 20 August, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Sproxton said that when a young couple plans for the Sacrament of Marriage, their hopes are that the love they have come to know in themselves and from their partner, will flourish and grow to greater heights and depths.
With more than 28,000 merchant ships visit Australian ports each year, crewed by some 300,000 seafarers, an appeal being launched this Sunday across parishes aims to raise awareness of the needs of seafarers – Perth Deacon and former Director of the Stella Maris Seafarers Centre has shared his experience with Journey Radio Editor Max Norden.
Like many workplaces across the Archdiocese, the lockdowns caused by COVID-19 meant the Safeguarding Program team needed to be able to work safely offsite, while also accessing data to continue the important implementation of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards.
Catholic Mission’s Socktober campaign which uses the world game of soccer to encourage students in Catholic schools across Australia to kick goals for good, launched Thursday, with 133 schools from across Australia.
Newly arrived displaced persons from Ukraine have earlier this month been welcomed at St Mary’s Cathedral at a morning tea and information session to provide support during their transition into their new life in Australia.
A vision which steadily aims to change our youth ministry culture and develop disciples “with a heart of mission” has marked it’s one year anniversary at Perth’s Catholic Youth Ministry.
Catholics have been challenged at a special Mass at the dawn of National Volunteer Week to embrace the fullness of the faith by loving others in concrete ways. The Mass, celebrated by Bishop Don Sproxton, also celebrated the good works of countless volunteers throughout the Archdiocese of Perth.
Refugee Nader Hosseini, a tiler from the Hazara ethnic minority in Afghanistan has last month spoken of his anguish at being stuck on an endless loop of temporary visas.
Mr Hosseini gathered with leaders from the Archdiocese of Perth, other Christian faiths and people of good will on the lawn of St George’s Anglican Cathedral on Palm Sunday 10 April to call for a reset of Australia’s refugee policies.