Following a career that spanned more than 60 years, Sr Paula McAdam was remembered for her faithful service to God, her adventurous ways, kindness and most importantly for her attentive presence to the community.
After 65 years of marriage, Perth couple Sid and Marie Gasper say there is one thing that has supported them during their time together, including the challenges of moving to a new country and raising children: the power of prayer.
Newly ordained Geraldton Bishop Michael Morrissey encouraged the lay faithful to model their behaviour on Jesus Christ, ‘who became vulnerable for our sake, and who reveals to us through the Holy Spirit, God’s love for us’.
Damper was traditionally prepared by stockmen and drovers who would travel to remote areas for weeks on end, with limited access to supplies.
In reading the recently released In God’s Hands: The Spiritual Diaries of John Paul II, it would be normal to question one’s worthiness in having the opportunity to gain such an insight into one of the greatest minds the Catholic Church has seen.
Girrawheen Parish Priest Father Albert Saminedi, also known as Fr Sam, last month celebrated 25 years of priestly vocation on 20 May at Our Lady of Mercy Parish together with parishioners, family and friends.