The decree states that the indulgence will also apply to “the faithful who dedicate adequate time to visit in person or virtually, through means of communication, elderly brothers and sisters in need or in difficulty” such as the sick, abandoned and disabled on 23 July.
The event aims to celebrate and express gratitude for the great missionary work carried out daily by influencers and digital missionaries from the five continents, who transmit the Gospel through their social media platforms.
The friar advised the confessors to follow the message of Pope Francis: be merciful, understanding and be willing to listen and understand others.
Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Fernández to be Prefect of the Vatican’s influential Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on 1 July 2023. The Argentinean theologian, a biblical specialist, was elected president of the doctrine commission of Argentina’s bishops’ conference in 2017 and since 2018 has been Archbishop of La Plata, home to an estimated 630,000 Catholics.
With the upcoming landmark papal visit to Mongolia, Apostolic Prefect of Ulaanbaatar, Cardinal Giorgio Marengo sat down with Catholic Mission’s International Programs Coordinator Pisey Soeurn in what was a key moment to discuss the importance of carrying on the great work of mission in the country.
A prophet is he who, by virtue of baptism, helps others read the present under the action of the Holy Spirit,” which helps people “understand God’s plans and align yourselves” with them, Pope Francis has said.
In his first newsletter as the Archbishop of Wellington, Archbishop Martin highlighted the significance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is the driving force behind building a strong Christian community and spreading the Good News, he said.
A Catholic education is an excellent form of evangelisation, Pope Francis said.
“Indeed, education does not consist of filling the head with ideas,” Education is “accompanying and encouraging students on the path of human and spiritual growth, showing them how friendship with the Risen Jesus expands the heart and makes life more humane,” he said.
Once deployed into orbit, the microsatellite is set to transmit papal messages of hope and peace in English, Italian and Spanish that any amateur radio receiver should be able to pick up.
In his talk, Pope Francis reflected on the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit celebrated that day.