In the midst of this global COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to become self-centred and inwardly focused in isolation.
In the hope of promoting vocations across Western Australia, St Charles Seminary has created a new initiative called ‘The Vine’, a monthly newsletter with the first issue published in February.
Churches have been closed, weekly and daily Masses are being streamed online and reception of the sacraments such as baptism, confession, marriages and funerals are extremely limited.
“As a juxtaposition of the fast-paced and stressed world we live in, music within the liturgical sense has now become, and will continue to provide, a stillness and reflection we need.”
In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, prayer is defined as “a vital and personal relationship with the living and true God”.
Thomas and Emily Meagher, who exchanged vows last June, believe that they would not have met, fallen in love and dedicated their lives to one another if not for the calling they received from God.
e Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that: ”The human person, created in the image of God, is a being at once corporeal and spiritual” (CCC 362). This means that we are comprised of both the physical aspects as biological beings and the spiritual, which is God’s Spirit in us from the moment we were conceived, and which returns to God when we die.
As recently as December 2019, John Barich was driving an hour round trip to take his youngest grandson to school twice a week, then continue on to his National Civic Council office to maintain the late Bob Santamaria’s work of promoting Judeo-Christian values in Australia’s political life.
Fresh off the back of assisting to co-ordinate a successful Australian Catholic Youth Festival – held in Perth in December 2019 – Catholic Youth Ministry announced its new leader in Adeline Bock as Acting Director. With Anita Parker on extended maternity leave and Vincent Haber moving to Sydney to take up a role as Events Manager of Catholic Youth Services, Adeline emerged as the ideal candidate to lead young Catholics of Perth. The Record chats with Adeline for her plans with CYM this year.
Evangelium Vitae (“The Gospel of Life”) celebrates its 25th anniversary this week on 25 March, and the document, written by the now St John Paul II, is as relevant today as it was in 1995: an in-depth discussion concerning the sanctity of life within the context of the modern world.