Listening to God’s calling at the tender age of 15 opened doors for Patrick Carre to use his love for music to evangelise, to connect with people and to bring them closer to God.
The road to becoming a principal hasn’t been straightforward for Carmel O’Shaughnessy.
St Joseph has been depicted in many ways over the centuries, but when sculptor Mehdi Rasulle created a statue of him for the Perth Archdiocese, he knew he wanted to portray the saint as an ordinary working man and father.
A music video of a skateboarding Franciscan, who spent 14 years living in Western Australia, received an Emmy at the Chicago/Midwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences on November 7.
Imagine if correspondents in late 1944 had reported the Battle of the Bulge, but without explaining that it was a turning point in the second world war. Or what if finance reporters had told the story of the AIG meltdown in 2008 without adding that it raised questions about derivatives and sub-prime mortgages that could augur a vast financial implosion?