The information age has seen the advent of the mobile phone, the rise of telecommunications, the internet, satellites launched into orbit to relay digital information around the globe and an ever-increasing push in first world nations, away from traditional manufacturing and into the service economy.
The Church’s response as a body to the global child abuse crisis was the topic of a presentation by Rev Dr Hans Zollner SJ, a member of the Vatican’s Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, consultor to the Congregation for the Clergy, President of the Centre for Child Protection and Vice Rector of Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.
Between 17 November 1886 and 1 December 1895, eight particular councils were convened in English-speaking mission territories under the jurisdiction of the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide (‘Propaganda’) – Three provincial councils in both Canada and the US, and one plenary council in both Scotland and Australia.
The number of people sleeping rough in Western Australia is on the increase, according to a new report by the University of Notre Dame Australia (UNDA).
It was the sheer generosity, determination, and vision of long-time parishioner Doug King that planted the seed to build, that grew to become the new St Joseph Pignatelli Church in Attadale.
Forgiveness is the central tenant of Christianity and Pope Francis focussed on its importance as one of the seven petitions of the Our Father, as taught to us by Christ, as he returned to the theme of his recent catechesis on the Lord’s Prayer.
Catholic schools focused on Christ-centred and child-focused learning is at the heart of Catholic Education Western Australia’s Vision for Learning.