American speaker and writer Katie Prejean McGrady expressed that the best part traveling 150,000 miles a year worldwide to preach the Gospel of Christ, are the authentic human encounters she gains, and being able to get young people excited to love Jesus.
Steve’s message for the youth of ACYF during his first session focused on his personal account of God triumphing over tragedy, during the events of the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999, in Columbine, Colorado – the town that Steve and his family called home at that time.
An interview with Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has last weekend featured on Shalom World TV.
Built by the Benedictine monks more than 160 years ago and later used to produce Royal Show-winning olive oil, MercyCare’s restoration of The Stables at Wembley has brought one of Perth’s earliest agricultural buildings back to its former glory.
The Schoesnstatt Movement community in Perth, together with Knights of the Southern Cross, are producing new pilgrim shrines, inviting young families to join the WA Pilgrim Mother Apostolate in WA.
Written in 1994, for the Year of the Family, Gratissimam Sane was a heartfelt appeal by the then Holy Father, now Saint John Paul II, to demonstrate that among the many possible paths of people’s daily pilgrimage, the family is the first and most important.
Effective communication is essential when you’re trying to help people understand any complex subject. And, when it’s something as important to their future as superannuation, it also becomes essential.
The information age has seen the advent of the mobile phone, the rise of telecommunications, the internet, satellites launched into orbit to relay digital information around the globe and an ever-increasing push in first world nations, away from traditional manufacturing and into the service economy.