This year, on 9 May, marked 175 years since Perth became a diocese. The anniversary was not formally celebrated because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and his curia wished to recognise this significant event. Odhran O’Brien, Director of the Archdiocesan Archives Office, has compiled a short reflection on the diocese’s foundation, which includes extracts from the missionaries who arrived in Western Australia during 1845.
Father Vincent Glynn officially commenced his role as the first Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation and a member of the Archdiocese of Perth Curia on 1 July 2020. His appointment by Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB indicates the importance that the Archbishop places on these areas of ministry in the Church.
Ten years after her canonisation, the courage of Saint Mary MacKillop – Australia’s first and only saint – still resonates within the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, a religious order founded by the St MacKillop with the assistance of Fr Julian Tenison-Woods in 1866 in Penola, SA.
The Maida Vale Parish community celebrated the patronal feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi on 4 October in a dedicated Sunday morning Mass.
Thousands sang and applauded as Italian teen Carlo Acutis was beatified in Assisi, a town dear to him and to many Christians worldwide.
Dozens of priests, deacons and seminarians convened for the annual clergy Mass on Tuesday 22 September 2020.
Moora parishioners at Jurien Bay have this month gathered for the blessing and burying of its foundation stone, which marks the location of the much-anticipated church, on 6 September.
The experience of suffering a stroke three years ago has not stopped Father Alfonsas Savickis from dedicating his heart and mind to his life’s calling and vocation.
Although a global pandemic found him stranded on the other side of the world to his loved ones in the United States, Father Tim Deeter was joined by his Australian family last month to celebrate his 70th birthday.