The 30th anniversary of LifeLink and 25th anniversary of the Archbishop’s LifeLink Day Initiative were reason to celebrate on the Feast of Mary MacKillop.
The Record, the official publication for the Archdiocese of Perth, was founded by then Father Matthew Gibney, later Bishop, and then Administrator, the Very Rev Fr Martin Griver OSB on 6 July 1874.
Speech by Bishop Don Sproxton on the Feast of St Mary MacKillop 30th Anniversary of LifeLink and 25th Anniversary of LifeLink Day
Chisholm College have last week expressed their pride in the gift of a new Crozier for Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, the result of considerable planning, problem-solving, craftsmanship, fine joinery, attention to detail and good old-fashioned elbow grease.
Her early life in Myanmar was marked by a close connection to her parish, where she discovered her love for music and service.
Recalling the inauguration of Redemptoris Mater Perth, Rector Fr Michael Moore said today all of us, filled with wonder and awe, reap and enjoy the fruits of a small seed sown, in one of the most isolated cities of the world, on the night of 15 August 1994.
To mark the 30th anniversary of LifeLink and 25th anniversary of the Archbishop’s LifeLink Day Initiative, a light show featuring large colourful images was displayed on the exterior of the front of St Mary’s Cathedral.
The Dominican Sisters of Australia were founded in June 1899 in the Diocese of Geraldton by Mother Gabriel Gill and five companions, who travelled from Dunedin, New Zealand, at the invitation of Bishop William Kelly to establish a foundation in Western Australia’s Goldfields.
As a not for profit, St John of God Health Care returns all surpluses to the communities it serves by providing social outreach services to people experiencing disadvantage, developing new services, investing in our people, and updating and expanding health care facilities, technology, and equipment.
Embleton Parish Priest Fr Patrick Toohey has reflected on the dual milestones being commemorated: “Last December we celebrated 50 years since we built the parish church; on May 19, we celebrated 60 years since our founding as a parish.”