It was 15 years ago this week that then newly completed Chapel of Redemptoris Mater Seminary was Dedicated and opened on 28 June 2005.
The man walking spritely through Thomas Perrott Retirement Village, Rossmoyne, is dressed for a party and sporting several war medals, and following him through the twists and turns of the complex’s gardens to join him, it is quickly apparent that for this centenarian, age really is just a number – even if it is now in the triple figures.
The Catholic Church of Australia welcomed some good news earlier this month, despite the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, with the Diaconate Ordination of Willetton-raised Dominican Brother Reginald Mary Chua OP on Saturday 6 June at Sydney’s Saint Benedict’s Church, Broadway.
Nestled on the banks of the Swan River as it meanders its way through the trees of Guildford, the historic Bebo Moro homestead is the newly restored centrepiece of the refurbished St Vincent’s aged care facility; and its tranquil setting and elegant style encapsulate the ethos that has gone into the redevelopment of the entire Catholic Homes’ site, which was officially blessed last week.
“We may be small in stature, but we dream big!” Those were the words of Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen, Bishop of the Parramatta diocese, who was in Melbourne this weekend for the opening the Our Lady of La Vang Shrine in Keysborough.
The shrine has been a labour of love for the Vietnamese Catholic
We are set apart to be a people who will show, in a special way, the presence of God, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton has last weekend told more than 650 parishioners of Mirrabooka.
Founding members of Myaree Parish, Bernie and Elaine Hart of Alfred Cove have this month celebrated their 60th Diamond Wedding Anniversary.
The reality of religious life in the Church is a powerful sign of the Church’s vocation to be, in the words of Saint Paul: “all things to all people”, proclaimed Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at the Mass and blessing of the new Perth Salvatorian Spirituality Centre and Salvatorian Foundation Day on 21 November.
Corpus Christi College in Bateman has officially commenced construction of its new multi-purpose aquatic centre.
Myriam Regnard of Willetton Parish celebrated the start of her second century of life on Friday 25 October, joined by friends and family in the parish hall for a stylish birthday party with the community decorating and baking with love and enthusiasm for Myriam’s big day.