“From the beginning of his pontificate, we have heard Pope Francis ask us to not forget to pray for him, and that is what we are doing,” said Cardinal José Tolenti-no de Mendonça, prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, as he led thousands of people praying the rosary for the pope March 10 in St. Peter’s Square.
Seven children, 20 grandchildren and one great-grand child later, long time mis-sionaries Michael and Pat Whitely have recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary
Speaking to The Record, Whitford Parish Priest Fr Cyprian Shikokoti said celebrating the parish’s 50th anniversary has been a good opportunity to reflect on God’s goodness in our lives, embrace the present with joy, and look forward to the future with renewed courage and hope.
The movement originally commenced in WA at City Beach Parish, where founders Brian and Denise Mills hosted the first gatherings after their inspiring experience at the 1973 National Eucharistic Congress in Melbourne.
All past and present Legion of Mary members are welcome to come together Saturday 9 November to commemorate the life of founder Frank Duff.
Hailing from Tuticorin, South India and arriving in Perth on 10 December 1990 to serve in the Geraldton Diocese under then Bishop Barry Hickey, Fr Joseph has last month celebrated his 80th Birthday.
A crowd of 300 people, joined by the Choir of St Mary’s Cathedral Perth to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Laying of the Foundation Stone at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church Mullewa on Saturday 14 September.
The past year at St Charbel’s Maronite Church East Cannington has been marked by memorable milestones, including the church’s first parish Christmas party on December 16, and the celebration of Holy Week, especially Good Friday and Easter Sunday masses.
St Mary’s Cathedral Director of Music Jacinta Jakovcevic said the tour was a significant occasion for the Church in the regional area of WA – and in particular the local community of Mullewa and its surrounds.
Recalling the inauguration of Redemptoris Mater Perth, Rector Fr Michael Moore said today all of us, filled with wonder and awe, reap and enjoy the fruits of a small seed sown, in one of the most isolated cities of the world, on the night of 15 August 1994.