If spending time in church equates to holiness, Tony Meyrick is guaranteed a sainthood.
As Noongar Elder, Marie Taylor descends from a long line of storytellers and, after spending several hours with this passionate and jovial woman, it becomes very apparent that she, too, has inherited this family gift.
He was born in Nigeria, studied in Rome, served as a missionary in the Philippines and, on 23 October this year, Abraham Chukwu was ordained to the priesthood at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Bunbury.
Mother Theresa once said that loneliness is the poverty of the western world and Perth priest, Father Michael Gatt, is in full agreement, which is why he will be extending his annual Christmas Helpline to run year-long.
Springtime is alive and well in the flowerbeds of the Emmaus Community in Queens Park, but it is the blossoming of human life that truly captures the spirit of this haven of restoration.
Catholic schools must be places where the Catholic worldview is not confined to the Religious Education classes but permeates the entire school, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe recently told an audience at John XXIII College in Mt Claremont.
Twenty three couples reaped the benefits of a parenting course designed to tackle issues and challenges common in early childhood when they gathered at Notre Dame University in Fremantle earlier this year.
The Australian branch of a Catholic movement, which began in Spain in 1944, held its biennial National Encounter in Canberra from 16-18 October. Members of the Australian Catholic Cursillo movement gathered at the Greenhills Conference Centre to celebrate their charism with a series of talks, meditations and related activities.
Music lovers had the opportunity to support the education of girls in Bangalore, India, while being treated to the tones of one of Western Australia’s most talented musical families at Infant Jesus Morley Parish recently.
When then 11-year-old Amy McCabe first encountered Sisters from the Missionary of God’s Love (MGL) community in 2008, she recalls feeling drawn not only by their jovial and loving nature, but also to their mission to youth, people living in poverty and those on the fringes of society.