Under the shadow of COVID-19, social distancing measures have resulted in the cancellation of group recreational activities at all levels, many businesses have been forced to close and others have had to require their employees to work from home: the world has found itself stuck at home and our use of digital technology has spiked massively as a result, with both positive and negative consequences.
Western Australia has emerged relatively unscathed by COVID-19, with Premier Mark McGowan announcing via Twitter, “Thank you Western Australia, we are leading the nation because of you,” in the second week of May, when official announcements were made that on the 18th of that month, Australians would finally be able to enjoy an easing of quarantine restrictions.
“Could you image experiencing the COVID-19 lockdown without being able to ask anyone what was happening, or find out why you can’t buy the things that you need to, or access the services that are part of your daily life?” Emmanuel Centre Coordinator Barbara Harris challenged her class on Monday afternoon.
The calling to the priesthood came late in life for Fr Jim Shelton, yet with the benefit of 60 years of life experience, a keen intellect and an overwhelming love for God and his people, the American born priest demonstrated daily the sense of love and duty that fills the heart of a good and faithful servant.
If 40 is the new 30 then, given the impact of the pandemic on the elderly, 100 must be the new 21, signifying a “coming of age” for the octogenarians and nonagenarians whose homes and villages are now a key battleground in the fight against COVID-19.
The inaugural 2020 Catholic Men’s Gathering has last weekend focussed on the necessary role played by men in growing and maintaining the healthy functioning of the Church, exploring ways to counteract men’s gradually declining numbers within parishes across Australia.
Though at first glance the grass is long and the grounds are quiet, as Sister Chitra leads the way through to the big shaded play area at the back of the Kora Centre, the sounds of little children happily talking and laughing as they eat a hot, nutritious meal can be heard and four smiling faces beam up at us from around the table.
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has once again been called upon to defend the faith – this time before a State Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry on 6 August in response to the Children and Community Services Amendment Bill 2019.
Western society’s ideas of masculinity seem to be constantly redefined by fashion, the media and family law in recent years, in much the same manner as western morals have become increasingly relative – and the impact of this on the Church has been one of slowly declining attendance among men aged 18 to 35.