Welcome to Issue 36 of The Record Magazine.
Our thanks to our sponsors Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund for their ongoing support.
This issue features a special report on Monsignor John Hawes, whose cause for canonisation is being put forward by the Diocese of Geraldton.
Exclusive to this issue is our report that the Archdiocese of Perth is set to build a program of discernment for the formation of Permanent Deacons.
A vision which steadily aims to change our youth ministry culture and develop disciples “with a heart of mission” has marked it’s one-year anniversary at Perth’s Catholic Youth Ministry.
The ClerecWest Multi-Sports Day, which has been held for some 25 years, was this year held on Monday 2 May, and enabled clergy from across the Archdiocese the opportunity to choose between participating in one or two recreational games, including tennis, soccer, golf, badminton or ten-pin
Don’t forget that these and many more stories are available at www.therecord.com.au.
The Record Magazine is a magazine for the people and I hope you will enjoy taking the time to engage with us. Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas via editor@therecord.com.au.