More than50 parishioners have recently participated in a Modern Slavery faith formation and social education seminar entitled Our Parish Response to Modern Slavery.
Held in conjunction with the Applecross Parish Modern Slavery Project, the Project has two aims: to raise awareness of modern slavery among parishioners and the local community and to mitigate the risk of modern slavery in the supply chains of the current suppliers used by the parish.
Applecross Parish Modern Slavery Representative Rosa Ranieri set up a display with a range of products displaying the Fairtrade logos at both events and gave a short, informative talk on how the parish is checking its own suppliers to ensure against unintentionally contributing to modern slavery in the goods and services supply chains used by the parish.
The display also featured samples of the tea, coffee and chocolate products as well as flyers for parishioners to take home.
Rosa was assisted by Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking of Humans WA Co-ordinator Heather McNaught.
Heather explained the Fairtrade logo on the various products and how fairtrading has a positive impact on workers, especially at the origin of the supply chain.
The following week, the parish hosted an evening presentation by WA Catholic Migrants and Refugees Office Director, Dcn Greg Lowe, assisted by Rosa as part of her role as a member of ACRATH.
Dcn Greg explained that most persons impacted by Modern Slavery in Australia were migrants and refugees.
He also outlined how WACMRO is assisting Applecross Parish Priest Fr Nelson Po and the parish administration staff in their desire to engage and work with the suppliers in mitigating the risk of modern slavery occurrences in the supply chains used.
St Benedict’s Parish is a participant in the Archdiocese of Perth Parish Modern Slavery Project for 2023.
If you or your parish would like further information on the project, please contact wacmro@perthcatholic.org.au