What are we called to do and be as a Church at this particular time in our history?
This was the question asked by Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at the Scarborough Parish Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 75th Anniversary.
The celebration was attended by more than 600 parishioners past and present, Sunday 12 February and joining Archbishop Costelloe for the occasion was Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Parish Priest Fr Christian Irdi, former parish priest Fr Grant Goddard, Geraldton Diocese Emeritus Bishop Justin Bianchini and guest priest Fr Kevin Cummins.
Fr Peter Whitely and Emeritus Bishop Justin Bianchini both served in the parish as Assistant Priests in the 1970’s.
Speaking about the significant changes in society over the past 75 years, Archbishop Costelloe said that in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, life looked very different.
“As I look back, the thing that strikes me most forcefully is that when I was a boy growing up, the values of my family, and the values of the Catholic school to which my mum and dad sent both my brother and me, were pretty much indistinguishable from the values of the society around us,” Archbishop Costelloe explained.
“We are now trying to live our Christian life, our life of discipleship in a society which doesn’t support the values that are important to us, in the way that the society used to be.
Hence, emphasised Archbishop Costelloe, the Church really needs to think carefully about how we are to convey the message of Christ in a very different situation, in a very different context.
“What is the Lord asking of us, now, at this time in our history, which is in some respects, so different from us?
“Faithfulness. Fidelity. Still, today, in 2023, God is asking us the same thing he asked of those who first founded this parish. To be faithful to the gift of faith that He has given to us.”
Parish Priest Fr Christian Irdi said the occasion was an inspiring testimony of the steadfast Catholic faith of the generations who have served the Scarborough Parish community.
“I acknowledge the many members of the clergy who have served this parish in various capacities over the course of its long history,” Fr Christian said.
“I am grateful to them for all their tireless efforts in laying the solid foundations upon which we continue to build in our own present day.
Fr Christian also paid tribute to the extraordinary contribution of the Dominican Sisters who served and continue to serve the parish community and school, for more than 70 years.
“Their joyful Christian witness and selfless service continues to inspire me and many others in all that they do for us,” he said.
A commemorative booklet was also produced for the occasion, in addition to a Papal Blessing which was presented to Parish Council Chair David Somers by Fr Christian at the conclusion of Mass.