Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has today echoed the message of International Women’s Day, Tuesday 8 March, calling on all Catholics to embrace the achievements and skills women bring to the life of the Church.
Women, said Archbishop Costelloe, make up a significant number of those who lead and bear witness to the faith communities of the Archdiocese of Perth and beyond.
“The contribution of women in the life of the Church in Perth is truly tremendous,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
“This year’s theme is an excellent opportunity to welcome and give thanks for the women who put themselves at the service of the Church, including in our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations.
“We are all called to announce the Gospel and women equally share that responsibility to announce to all people the love that God has for each and every one of us,” he said.
The theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is #breakthebias, emphasising the need for a world free from bias, stereotypes and discrimination, in addition to a world where difference is valued and celebrated.
“Despite the challenges imposed by COVID-19, we will continue to do our best in our daily lives to bring about change, in our homes, our workplaces by showing our support and solidarity to the task at hand,” Archbishop Costelloe emphasised.
Archbishop Costelloe continued by highlighting the tremendous work of Perth Archdiocesan agencies and services that are led by women, including Catholic Outreach, Centacare Employment and Training, the Centre for Liturgy, Identitywa, the Western Australian Professional Standards Office, Catholic Youth Ministry, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, the Office of Christian Initiation, the Justice Ecology and Development Office and the Personal Advocacy Service.
These agencies and services play a significant role in offering support through the Church in the areas of employment, education, people affected by homelessness, financial burden, disability, liturgy, youth ministry, social justice education, faith formation, ministry to Aboriginal peoples, unemployment, family, domestic and partner violence.
“Each of the women leading these agencies are widely recognised within the life of the Church as women who are great examples of the many ways in which the Archdiocese of Perth is living the values of the Church, centred on the gospel, sometimes in very challenging and difficult circumstances,” Archbishop Costelloe explained.
“They also show that there are many amazing people out there doing extraordinary things.
“It is important that we continue to learn from each other and embrace all the different ways we can come together as one Church,” he said.
COVID-19 restrictions have this year prevented staff from the Archdiocese coming together for the occasion.