In 2021, Norbertines across the world will celebrate the 900th anniversary of the founding of the Order.

It was on Christmas Eve in 1120 that the First Norbertines – around 40 in number – made their first profession in the Valley of Prémontré.
Christmas 2020 marked the 900th year of the foundation of the Canons Regular of Prémontré (its official name) by Saint Norbert of Xanten.
The jubilee year will be celebrated from the first Sunday of Advent, 29 November 2020, through the feast of the Baptism of the Lord on 9 January 2022. Communities across the globe will this year celebrate the inspiration and legacy of its dedicated saint.
Norbert of Xanten (1080 to 1134) was known for his ministry as an outstanding preacher and peacemaker, attracting others to follow his way of life.
“To be rooted in such a long and rich history as Norbertines provides us with great hope as we serve and adapt to each generation,” said the Rt Rev Dane Radecki, abbot of St Norbert Abbey.
“God continues to call us to live in communio and to serve generously.”
In 1959, three Norbertines from the Holy Trinity Abbey in Kilnacrott made a foundation in Western Australia. Read more about how the Norbertines built St Norbert College in Queens Park.
In December 1995, the Norbertine Canons at Queens Park became an independent community of the Norbertine Order – the final step in becoming a fully-fledged ‘Canonry’. On that day the community elected its first Prior de Regimine – Fr Peter Joseph Stiglich O Praem.
St Norbert was a great devotee of the Eucharist and Our Lady. In all his efforts as peacemaker and preacher, he kept these two great devotions of the Church before him. It was once said of St Norbert that ‘he was prepared for every good work’.
St Norbert’s legacy of the Norbertine Order continues to flourish, with Norbertine Canons in Europe, the United States, Canada, South America, Zaire, South Africa, India and Australia are involved in all types of good works including education, parochial ministry, university chaplaincy and youth work. St Norbert College in Perth is the only Norbertine-run and owned school in Australia. St Norbert’s statue appears above the Piazza colonnade of St Peter’s Square in Rome.
Now, 900 years later, the vision of St Norbert continues through Norbertine communities across the world, including Perth WA. The Norbertines dedicate themselves to prayer, sharing a common life and serving local needs.
Many years have passed filled with many blessings and many challenges. The community has been called upon to adapt itself within the context of its charism and the founding spirit of St Norbert.
Recently, during their formal graduation, St Norbert College Year 12 students of 2020 presented a celebratory flag to mark the anniversary.
To learn more about the WA-based Norbertine order, visit