The Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community have last week celebrated the 10th Anniversary of Miracle Prayers network with a Thanksgiving Mass.
The Mass, which was held at the Disciples of Jesus centre in Osborne Park, Wednesday 11 October, was celebrated by Glendalough Parish Priest and Miracle Prayers Chaplain and Co-Founder Fr Doug Harris, together with concelebrants, Greenwood Parish Priest, Fr Elver Delicano, City Beach Parish Priest Fr Emmanuel-tv Dimobi, Yanchep Pastoral Area Administrator, Fr Thomas Zureich, Wanneroo Parish Assistant Priest Fr Leonard Guiang osm, Tribunal Officer, Fr Stephen Ochola and Villa Torenzio Chaplain Fr Demetri Roh.
Founded under the guidance of New Zealand Marist priest Fr John Rea sm in October 2013, the Miracle Prayers network includes a monthly healing service, monthly street outreach, an international intercession list published via social media and private prayer sessions by appointment.
Co-ordinator Michelle Firth explained to The Record that prayers are available for physical ailments, sleeping problems, anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship, financial and spiritual issues as well as other personal intentions.
The prayer and healing liturgical service includes scripture readings, shared experiences, catechesis, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, general prayer, confession and time for individual prayer.
In a message encouraging message of congratulations, Fr Rea outlined his own personal experiences of numerous profound healings that have occurred during the time when he visited Perth, in addition to the many healings that have taken place since the commencement of the Miracle Prayers network.
“I took this as a solid sign that the Lord approves of what the group is doing,” Fr Rea said.
“Ten years on, and Miracle Prayers is flourishing. May it continue to provide a powerful service everywhere it operates. Praise God!” he said.
In his homily for the occasion, Fr Doug Harris said that the Kingdom of God is truly among us, and we know this because of all the healings and answered prayers we have seen and experienced in these times.
He then shared a number of healings people have received over the years through the Miracle Prayers network, including a 12-year-old boy who has recovered from an aggressive form of cancer in his abdomen.
Fr Doug also shared that when some people were healed, members of their families were brought back to the faith.
He also made reference to a young girl who recovered from knee and backpain, and as a consequence of the healing, her mother and other relatives have returned to the church.
Fr Doug emphasised that the Lord has so much to give us, and that He cannot be out done in generosity.
“He wants us to use our time here on earth to live in and be part of His Kingdom, and not be confined to the limitations of this world,” he said.
Those present for the anniversary Mass were also provided with a time of extended prayer ministry in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, where individuals were invited to come forward to receive a short prayer from the priests present.
For further information, please visit facebook.com/miracleprayersperth or contact 0404 028 298.