Catholic Education Commission WA Chair, Ms Eva Skira AM has last week announced the appointment of two new commissioners.
Former Federal MP for Curtin, Celia Hammond commenced her role on 1 February 2023 while Dr Frank Malloy took up his position on Commission on 1 March 2023.
Ms Hammond is a practicing lawyer having worked in private practice and as a legal academic at both the University of Western Australia and the University of Notre Dame Australia.
She served as Vice Chancellor from 2008-2019. She also served as Curtin MP from 2019 to 2022. She is a graduate of John XXIII College.
Dr Malloy is National Director for Marist Schools Australia and Executive Officer for the Marist Association of Saint Marcellin Champagnat Ltd, which oversees Marist life and mission in Australia.
He has been a teacher and leader in Catholic education for 38 years. His Doctoral research focused on the use of national testing data to promote learning in Catholic schools.
Ms Skira said she is delighted that Celia and Frank, who have a long-demonstrated commitment to the vision for Catholic education, are joining the Commission this year.
“Commissioners play an important role in helping Catholic education to fulfill its objectives as outlined in the Mandate of the Bishops of Western Australia,” Ms Skira said.
“They both bring significant governance experience and knowledge of the education sector generally, and Catholic education specifically, which will be invaluable as they begin their roles this year.
“I welcome them both and look forward to working with them,” she said.
The Catholic Education Commission WA (CECWA) is appointed by the Bishops of Western Australia and is responsible for the governance of Catholic schools in Western Australia.