Hundreds of Notre Dame’s graduating students were presented with commemorative jarrah crosses at a special Mass held at St Mary’s Cathedral, Tuesday 13 December, providing them with a permanent reminder of their time at Notre Dame.
In celebrating the Mass, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB told the graduands they are there to entrust the future of all graduands to the boundless love and providence of God.
“We gather as people of faith, eager to acknowledge that every good gift which fills our lives is a gift from God, and that the greatest gift of all, the gift of life, is the one gift which makes everything else possible,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
“May you embrace the gift of life and all the promise it holds,” he said.
Archbishop Costelloe continued by encouraging the graduands to remember that it is a precious gift and give God thanks for it every day, and may you live this gift with courage, with integrity and generosity.
“Let this be your gift of gratitude to God for all that God has done, is doing, and will do for you,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
Joining Archbishop Costelloe for the occasion as concelebrants was Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Episcopal Vicar for Education & Adult Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, UNDA Chaplain, Fr Joseph Laundy, South Perth Parish Priest, Msgr Brian O’Loughlin and former Cathedral Dean, Msgr Michael Keating, and assisted by Deacon Nathan Barrie from the Diocese of Bunbury.
The simple crosses received by the graduands, which hang prominently in every room at the University, are also intended to remind recipients of the good they can do for their community as they embark on their professional lives.
Also present for the occasion were UNDA Chancellor, the Hon Christopher Ellison and Vice Chancellor, Professor Francis Campbell.
Former Vice Chancellor Celia Hammond was also in attendance for the occasion, this time as a proud mother whose son will be among those graduating on Friday.