Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has this week congratulated and thanked Perth staff, benefactors and supporters of Caritas Australia at an end of year Mass and evening supper.
The Mass, held Tuesday 29 November at the Pastoral Centre Chapel, Highgate, brought together staff, benefactors and supporters of Caritas Australia, in conjunction with an Australia-wide Thank You Day by the international Aid organisation.
Archbishop Costelloe was assisted for the Mass by Caritas Australia Perth Director, Deacon Paul Reid and Deacon Bruce Talbot.
During his homily, Archbishop Costelloe reminded those present that the Church should always be the first healer of wounds and warmer of hearts to all those we meet.
“We are disciples who are invited to look beyond ourselves to one another to lead us to Christ,” Archbishop Costelloe added.
“We are all called to be a sign and instrument of communion with God and with others – and the work of Caritas Australia is a beautiful example of that call in action,” he said.
Present for the occasion was Anatoli and Lesya Yezgor and their four children – Anrij, Mykola, Anna and Pavlo – who are currently in Perth on a humanitarian visa.
They are just some of the four million people who fled Ukraine in the wake of the Russian invasion since February 2021.
Speaking at the evening supper at the conclusion of Mass, Caritas Australia Perth Director, Deacon Paul Reid said he is most grateful for the support and care shown by the Perth Catholic community towards the work of Caritas Australia.
“With the various crises that have unfolded in Ukraine, the Philippines, the Africa Food Crises, the contribution of our benefactors, supporters and volunteers has meant that thousands of lives have been helped,” Deacon Paul said.
“My prayer is that more and more people will continue to grow in understanding just how vital the work of Caritas Australia is in changing peoples lives, in being the healer of wounds and the warmers of hearts, as Archbishop Costelloe explained,” he said.
To celebrate the first week of the season of Advent, Caritas Australia held its first ever Thank You Day this week, where staff from across the organisation came together to thank over 2,800 supporters with personal phone calls, emails and handwritten cards.
All Caritas Australia Sydney office staff participated, from the ICT to Fundraising, to express to a selection of Caritas Australia supporters how much their support makes a difference.
Staff thanked supporters who have been donating for 20 or 30 years, as well as new supporters who made their first ever donation to the organisation this year.
“It was wonderful to hear the positive feedback from supporters about the day, especially on phone calls. One supporter told me ‘You’ve really made my day with this phone call’,” said Abby Jones, Caritas Australia’s Supporter Services Manager.
“Many supporters took the time to answer our calls – as people answered their phones in the middle of long bike rides, meetings, and even job interviews.”
“It was especially poignant for our Programs staff. Our Programs staff have a keen sense of how far a dollar can stretch in the communities we work with and were able to tell our supporters that it doesn’t matter if they donate $5 or $5000 – it all makes a difference.”
Staff in Caritas Australia’s offices across the country, including Melbourne, Brisbane and Darwin all participated in various Thank You Day activities.