“You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.” (Matthew 16:18)

17 Jun 2021

By Jamie O'Brien

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB spoke these words in a recent homily for the opening of the Baldivis Parish St Teresa of Calcutta Church.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB giving his blessings with one arm raised.
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at St Mary’s Cathedral. Photo: Michelle Tan.

These words, which are very familiar to all of us, come from the Gospel of Saint Matthew, and remind us of a very important truth which today, as we consecrate this new church dedicated to Mother Teresa, we are invited to remember and allow to enter deeply into our minds and hearts.  The Church which originates in the group of disciples whom Jesus gathered around him, with Peter as their leader, and to which Jesus gave the gift of his Holy Spirit at Pentecost, that Church, his Church, which continues today and of which we are all a part, is first and foremost a community of people called together by the Lord.  This is very important because, while today we celebrate the consecration of this building, and thank God for all those who have contributed to it, we are called to remember that it is not buildings, however beautiful they are, which are the heart and soul of the Church: rather it is the people, the community whom God has called and gathered together, who are the Church.  As Pope John Paul II was so fond of saying, the Church is best understood as the community of the disciples of Christ.  It seems to me, then, that as we consecrate this beautiful building today what we are really doing is asking God to use this building, and all that will happen within its walls, to form all those who come here into a true community of disciples.

Saint Paul reminds us of this in one of his letters when, speaking to the Christian community in Corinth, he says to them very plainly:

You are God’s building.

And he then goes on to say:

Didn’t you realise that you were God’s temple and that the Spirit of God was living among you?

I would like to say the very same words to everyone gathered here in this Church:  You are God’s building.  So never forget that you are God’s Temple and that God’s Spirit lives among you.  As you leave the Church this afternoon I hope you will carry this thought with you, and allow it to enter deeply into your hearts.  This is who you are.  This is what God has called you for.  This is your vocation and it can be for you a source of deep peace.

In saying all of this, of course, I do not want to minimise the importance of this beautiful church.  Nor do I want to diminish in any way the joy or pride you rightly feel in this wonderful accomplishment.  I simply want to remind all of us that this church building exists to serve a very important and powerful purpose: to draw all people who come here into a deep and life-changing encounter with God and to draw all people who come here into a deep communion with each other, so that together, rather than as isolated individuals, we can be a living sign to our world that God is present among us and that his presence transforms lives and offers the gift of joy, of hope and of deep peace.

The building up of such a community is the work of everyone, just as the bringing to completion of this beautiful building has been the work of everyone.  In both cases the Lord gives us the gift of the ordained ministry, the gift of our priests and deacons, who under the leadership of the local bishop, guide the community so that in every way the community can be an expression of God’s presence among his people.