Consultations underway for integrated safeguarding standards

16 Jul 2020

By The Record

Vicar General the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG celebrates following the Annual Safeguarding Mass in March this year. Photo: Ron Tan.

Consultations on the draft second edition of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards developed by Catholic Professional Standards Ltd are now underway.

This second edition of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) expands the established framework for the safeguarding of children to include safeguarding requirements and practices for the protection of adults at risk.

Consultations on the draft second edition of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards developed by Catholic Professional Standards Ltd are now underway. Image: Sourced.

CPSL’s Director of Safeguarding, Daniele Donnini, said that the consultation process to review the draft Standards has been designed to be accessible and allow a wide range of voices to be heard.

“We have created a consultation survey to seek feedback on the draft Standards. This is a great tool, because anyone can contribute. All feedback will be given consideration, so we want to ensure we capture as many different voices as possible”.

Mr Donnini said that last week CPSL had written to key stakeholder groups to organise facilitated online consultation sessions.

Groups and organisations that have been written to include representatives from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) and Catholic Religious Australia (CRA), Catholic ministries and organisations working with adults, adults with a lived experience of vulnerability, and government regulators at state and federal levels.

“While the broadest possible range of voices is being sought through the consultation survey, it’s also vital that those who will be impacted by the new Standards at an operational and personal level get to have their say in a forum of their own”.

Archdiocese of Perth Safeguarding Director Andrea Musulin at the 2019 Child Protection Week Breakfast. Photo: Matthew Lau.

Mr Donnini said that those who have not received a formal invitation to join a facilitated consultation but wish to do so are encouraged to let CPSL know in writing by sending an email to

The survey and the facilitated group consultations will conclude on August 28, 2020. 

Once all the feedback has been reviewed and amendments incorporated, the second edition of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards will then be presented to ACBC and CRA (CPSL’s members) for their assent in October 2020, with CPSL aiming to publish the second edition of the National Catholic Safeguarding prior to the end of 2020.

Edition One of the Standards (May 2019) takes into account the guidance of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the National Statement of Principles for Child Safe Organisations from the Australian Human Rights Commission (formally adopted by COAG in February 2019).

The draft second edition builds on this guidance and includes information that has been learned from an extensive review of literature from within the Catholic Church, Commonwealth and state/territory governments, international regulatory and legislative frameworks and research.

Since the release of the NCSS Edition One, CPSL has trained over 1,000 Church leaders and personnel to understand and implement the Standards and has created an audit framework to measure compliance. To date, nine audits of Church entities including an archdiocese, dioceses and religious institutes, have been published.