ACU to host American liturgy and culture speaker

18 Jun 2020

By The Record

Rev Prof Mark Francis (MDiv, MA, SLD) was ordained in 1982 and served for three years as chaplain and formation director in Bogotá, Colombia. He has published extensively on liturgical topics with a special focus on the relationship between liturgy and culture. Photo: Supplied.

The Australian Catholic University (ACU) Centre for Liturgy will host the President of the Catholic Theological Union, Rev Prof Mark R Francis CSV, in a free online public lecture broadcast live from Chicago, USA on Monday 20 July via Zoom.

The lecture will be based on “The Challenge of Intercultural Liturgy in the Era of Pope Francis”.

ACU’s Centre for Liturgy has mobilised during this time of global pandemic to offer this free public lecture via a live virtual platform to connect those interested in liturgy to the worldwide scholarly conversation because face to face gatherings are impossible. The online platform opens the lecture to a national audience.

Prof Francis is world-renowned for his scholarship on the relationship between liturgy and culture. Interest in this important reciprocal interaction has been revived under the pontificate of Pope Francis and in his lecture, Prof Francis aims to bring a unique and valuable perspective to the latest developments in this area of Church life.

He is the author of Local Worship Global Church: Popular Religion and the Liturgy and Shape a Circle Ever Wider: Inculturating the Liturgy in the United States.

In July, Prof Francis will also teach a free online, one-time-only special studies unit in Liturgical Inculturation through the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy in collaboration with the ACU Centre for Liturgy on 6, 7, 9, 10 July.

The unit is offered at postgraduate level for students enrolled in Masters or Graduate Certificate courses in theology and religious education.

Prof Francis’ live lectures will also be available as a Professional Learning Seminar for liturgists, clergy, pastoral associates, Catholic school teachers, and all who have an interest in the fascinating and pastorally relevant topic of liturgical inculturation.

Professional learners will participate in lectures and discussions but will not undertake assessment tasks.

Teachers who participate can apply for professional development hours at the Proficient level in most states and territories, making this Professional Learning Seminar one of the most widely accredited ACU offerings ever.

Email the ACU Centre for Liturgy at with any questions or for further information about the upcoming free online public lecture scheduled for 20 July.