Kristallnacht commemoration marks 80 years since ‘Night of Broken Glass’

13 Dec 2018

By The Record

CCJWA Chairperson Rev Marie Wilson, MC for the occasion, addresses congregation. Photo: Supplied.

A memorial service was held on Remembrance Day to remember the Jewish people killed in the “Night of Broken Glass” 80 years ago.

On 9 November 1938, Nazis stormed through Germany, Austria, and Bohemia, smashing the windows of Jewish businesses, burning synagogues and killing close to 100 Jews – foreshadowing the widespread extermination of the Shoah/Holocaust.

The Council of Christians and Jews Western Australia Inc (CCJWA) organised the ceremony at Temple David on 11 November 2018, which aimed to celebrate human rights and religious faith.

CCJWA Vice-Chairperson Dr Judith Schneider, Governor-General Hon Kim Beazley AC, and Uniting Church Rev Marie Wilson were present for the service.

Psalm 23 is read in Hebrew by Carmel Jewish School student Shaked Cohen of Temple David, and then in English by Presbyterian Ladies’ College student Tabitha Gallucio. Photo: Supplied.

Psalm 23 is read in Hebrew by Carmel Jewish School student Shaked Cohen of Temple David, and then in English by Presbyterian Ladies’ College student Tabitha Gallucio. Photo: Supplied.

Redemptoris Mater Seminary (Morley) Rector Father Michael Moore SM, recited an excerpt from St Pope John Paul II’s address at Yad Vashem (23 March 2000).

“It makes very clear that our call to love each other, forgive each other, and to look to the future together as brothers and sisters coming from the one faith,” he told The eRecord.

As the Catholic Archdiocese representative of CCJWA, Fr Moore read the introduction to the lighting of the second candle.

“We kindle this light in memory of the Righteous Among the Nations – the non-Jews who with extraordinary courage risked their lives to save Jews during the Shoah at a time when hostility and indifference prevailed. May the memory of the righteous be for a blessing.”

Rabbi Daniel Lieberman, of the Perth Hebrew Congregation, and Rabbi Marcus Solomon SC. Photo: Supplied.

Rabbi Marcus Soloman SC, Senior Rabbi of Beit Midrash, was the guest speaker for the occasion.

Anglican Archbishop of Perth Kay Goldsworthy AO, Honorary President of CCJWA, gave the Exhortation.

“Go out into the world in peace. Pay attention, have courage, hold on fiercely to what is good. When you confront evil, don’t turn your eyes away, but don’t get pulled into it either,” she professed.

“Do not abandon those who are suffering – be with them, help them, honour them, and God’s justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”