Permanent deacon fraternity gather in prayerful fellowship

19 Jul 2018

By The Record

The Permanent Deacon Seminar Retreat was held on 28 and 29 June at Newman Siena Centre. Photo: Supplied.

By Matthew Lau

The inaugural Perth Archdiocese Permanent Deacon Seminar and Retreat was held last month, marking the 12th anniversary of ordination.

A major purpose of the seminar on 28 June was for the Deacons to finalise a list of recommendations for the potential rebirth of a Permanent Deacon Formation program in the Perth Archdiocese.

Attendees included Dcns Aaron Peters, Paul Stacy, Paul Reid, Paul Russell, Mark Powell, Patrick Moore, Bruce Talbot, John Kiely and Greg Lowe along with Frs Nino Vinciguerra, Peter Bianchini and Bunbury Diocese Vicar General Fr Tony Chiera.

The retreat, on 29 June, concluded with a Mass celebrated by Fr Bianchini and Fr Chiera at St Catherine’s Convent, Doubleview.

Fr Vinciguerra and Fr Chiera first worked with the deacons when they were in formation 16 years ago, while Fr Bianchini began in the role as Director of the then-fledgling deacon program in 2003.

Fr Bianchini conveyed a message from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe to the permanent deacons to congratulate them on the 12th anniversary of ordination.

The 2018 Permanent Deacon Seminar and Retreat was organised by Dcn Greg Lowe, who is the Director of the WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office.

Dcn Lowe said while the permanent deacons have occasionally met up in small groups in the past, this was the first that almost all who could attend were present for.

“The deacons were happy to be together as a group supported by Fr Nino, Fr Tony and Fr Peter,” he said.


Perth Archdiocesan Permanent Deacons with Fr Peter Bianchini and Bunbury Diocese Fr Tony Chiera VG. The title of the retreat day was “Deacons: Ordained by the Church for the World”. Photo: Supplied.

Since January, the deacons have scrutinised their recommendations for a possible reintroduction of the Permanent Deacon Formation program; drawing from their unique, first-hand perspective.

Those experiences include: the combination of experiences of seminary formation prior to ordination, the subsequent pastoral experiences as deacon after receiving the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and being appointed to the various parishes and ministries.

“The recommendations go to the Clergy Formation and Support Board first and then to the Curia and Archbishop. In time, a decision will be made as to when and if an ongoing Permanent Deacon Formation program should be introduced into the Archdiocese,” Dcn Lowe explained.

According to Dcn Lowe, the Permanent Deacon Group thinks an ongoing program would be good for the Archdiocese.

“We worked out that between us there is more than 120 years of experience in pastoral ministry as well as a wealth of experience in living the Christian life with a mortgage, full time job and family,” he added.

“This reservoir of lived experience adds value to the ordained ministry, which means the Diaconate can be considered an asset to the Archdiocese, not least because it offers the faithful another dimension of ordained pastoral ministry to access when needed.”

During the seminar, Fr Vinciguerra gave a timely presentation around parish renewal and how the Diaconate can assist the Archdiocese to “fish differently” when it comes to engaging and enabling parishes to work with one another as they come together to collaborate for discernment of pastoral needs.

“Fr Tony facilitated discussion about experiences of pastoral ministry and the day quickly became a moment of sharing of personal encounters with God in, with and through ministering to the human person in need,” Dcn Lowe added.

Dcn Aaron Peters commended Dcn Lowe for his initiative in creating the seminar-retreat, and is looking forward to the next deacon gathering.

“We don’t often have the chance to get together, so it was a great opportunity that I hope will become a regular fixture,” Dcn Peters said.