St Bernadette’s Primary School Port Kennedy celebrates 25 years of Catholic education

31 May 2018

By The Record

Fr Arnel Taracina blessed the benches at the Memorial Garden as part of St Bernadette’s Por Kennedy 25th celebration. Photo: Angela Dugouchet.

By Theresia Titus

St Bernadette’s Primary School at Port Kennedy have this month celebrated their 25th anniversary on Friday 25 May with a Mass and commissioning of their Memorial Garden.

Former Parish Priest at St Bernadette’s Catholic Church, Port Kennedy Parish, Father Gavin Gomez, celebrated the Mass, with current Parish Priest Fr Arnel Taracina assisting as concelebrant.

In his homily for the occasion, Fr Gomez said the school is more than its physical features, but that it is the people and the community that make the school special.

Mr Steve Gibbs, who has been Principal of the school for the past five years, told The eRecord that the commissioning of the Memorial Garden was a particularly significant part of the celebration.

“It will be an important place in the school to remember those staff and students who are no longer with us,” Mr Gibbs said.

Foundation Principal Gary Burgess and former Principal Des Wilkie were also present for the celebration, with both former principals each planting a tree to open the Memorial Garden.

Ms Debra Sayce, Fr Gavin Gomez, Ms Madeline King and Mr Steve Gibbs at St Bernadette’s Primary School 25th celebration. Photo: Angela Dugouchet.

Ms Debra Sayce, Fr Gavin Gomez, Ms Madeline King and Mr Steve Gibbs at St Bernadette’s Primary School 25th celebration. Photo: Angela Dugouchet.

Among the guests were Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Acting Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce, as well as State Minister for Tourism and Member for Warnbro Hon. Paul Papalia.

Federal Member for Brand, Madeline King MP also attended the event and assisted in the burying of the school’s time capsule.

The students had the chance to enjoy a visiting animal farm and played with bouncy castles and were able to give their parents a tour of the school during the afternoon open day, following the Memorial Garden ceremony.

The school’s Scottish dancing group and choir treated the guests with a special performance during the open day session.

Mr Gibbs said the celebration was one of “many landmark anniversaries that the school will have over the years”.

He explained the presence of two foundation staff who are still working at the school, Ms Carolyn Whitford and Ms Catherine Flynn, has also made the anniversary special.

“It was lovely to see many people come back, who have been here before but not anymore, reminiscing old times and to look into the future,” Ms Flynn said.

Former Principal Des Wilkie is planting a tree in the Memorial Garden with Ms Madeline King watching. Photo: Angela Dugouchet.

“It was good for the children too, to have a fun day and see the photos of their parents when they were students.”

For Ms Flynn, the anniversary was a proud moment to look back how everything has developed over the years.

“It was a great way of acknowledging how far the community has come over the 25 years,” Mr Gibbs said.

A quarter of a century later, the school has 453 students enrolled, and 45 staff dedicating themselves to Catholic education in Port Kennedy.

Mr Gibbs explained that the importance of Catholic education “goes beyond ethics and values”, taking the Lord as the epitome.

“A Catholic education provides children with a grounding in what it means to be a Catholic citizen.

“With challenges facing societies of the future, this Catholic worldview is essential,” Mr Gibbs concluded.