PLENARY 2020: Perth Archdiocese set to launch process on 26 May

03 May 2018

By The Record

On 26 May, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB will launch the 2020 Plenary Council process during the Vigil Mass of Trinity Sunday at 6pm. Photo: Ron Tan.

By Jamie O’Brien

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB will launch the 2020 Plenary Council process this month during the Vigil Mass of Trinity Sunday on 26 May at 6pm.

In announcing the launch, Archbishop Costelloe affirmed this will be a momentous occasion for the Catholic Church in Australia and carries with it the hopes, dreams and aspirations of everyone involved.

“What is important is that we get the message out that this journey is very important for the Catholic Church in Australia,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

“This is a significant moment for the Catholic Church in Australia and I look forward to walking with the people of God as we look towards the future.

“No matter where you might find yourself in relation to the Church – deeply involved, only partially engaged, uncertain or disillusioned, on the margins, or a friendly or critical outsider looking in – we need to hear from you for we are sure that God speaks to us all: and the Church needs to listen to everyone,” he said.

A Plenary Council Candle has been provided to each Catholic Diocese throughout Australia and will be used as part of a ritual during the Mass.

Smaller versions of the candle have been prepared for use by parishes, agencies and other groups in the Archdiocese.

Archbishop Costelloe will bless these candles as part of the ritual during Mass.

Archbishop Costelloe has also invited parishes and agencies across Perth to conduct their own Plenary Council launch within their own agency at a gathering with staff and with boards.

For more information on the Plenary Council, go to

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB will launch the 2020 Plenary Council process for the Archdiocese of Perth on Saturday 26 May at the 6pm Vigil Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Sq, Perth. All are invited to attend. Further info: Communications Office on 08 9220 5900 or