CHRISM MASS 2018: We offer our lives to God, just as God, in Jesus, offered his life to and for us, says Archbishop Costelloe

29 Mar 2018

By The Record

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe readies the oil intended to be used by clergy in their Parishes throughout the year. Photo: Josh Low.

By Matthew Lau

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has this week challenged the lay faithful to give the little that we have to God, so that God may, in return, give Himself to us.

Speaking during his Homily for the annual Chrism Mass on Tuesday 27 March at St Mary’s Cathedral, the Archbishop was joined for the occasion by a significant number of clergy from across the Archdiocese.

The Oil of the Chrism, the Oil of the Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick are prepared for the Chrism Mass on 27 March 2018 at St Mary’s Cathedral. Photo: Ron Tan.

The three Holy Oils (Oil of Catechumens, Oil of the Sick and Oil of the Chrism) were blessed by Archbishop Costelloe to be used in Parishes for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Anointing of the Sick throughout the year.

An aura of vitality permeated the Cathedral as hundreds of lay faithful joined in kinship to witness the Archbishop bless and consecrate the oils.

The Gospel was proclaimed by Deacon Patrick Moore. Photo: Josh Low.

The Mass of joyful solemnity was celebrated by Archbishop Costelloe and concelebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, Acting Cathedral Dean Fr Don Kettle, Emeritus Bishop of Geraldton Justin Bianchini, Fr Peter Bianchini as MC and Deacon Patrick Moore.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has this week challenged the lay faithful to give the little that we have to God, so that God may, in return, give Himself to us. Photo: Josh Low.

“In [blessing the oils] we affirm our belief in the constant, never failing grace of God who comes to us in all our moments of joy and sorrow and pours out his love upon us. And of course we do all this within the celebration of the Eucharist, the central sacrament of our faith, which draws us into communion with the Lord and with each other, and deepens and strengthens that communion,” he said.

“Everyone here in the Cathedral knows that through our baptism the Lord forms us all into the one priestly people of God. We offer our lives to God, just as God, in Jesus, offered his life to and for us.”

Archbishop Costelloe blesses one of the oils, assisted by Fr Peter Bianchini MC. Photo: Josh Low.

Archbishop Costelloe asked those present to join him in praying for all the Archdiocesan priests.

“The vocation to the priesthood is a beautiful one, as all Christian callings are, and a difficult and daunting one, as all Christian callings are. At this particular time in our history, in relation to the vocation to the priesthood, the dreadful and destructive failings of the few have caused great shame in our Church and not least among our priests,” he stated.

Archbishop Costelloe pours the balsam into the oil. Photo: Josh Low.

“The fact that, in spite of this, these men, and here they are, continue day after day to give themselves generously and faithfully to us, and that young men continue to respond with enthusiasm to the call to the priesthood in our archdiocese, is a sign of God’s continued presence at the heart of the Church.

“It is equally a sign of the generous openness to God’s grace which is at the heart of the lives of our priests. We know that we simply cannot be the Church God is calling us to be without them.”