Palm Sunday 2018: The beginning of our accompaniment of Jesus as he enters into Jerusalem

29 Mar 2018

By Jamie O'Brien

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe blesses the crowds and their palms at the commencement of Mass for Palm Sunday at St Mary’s Cathedral on March 25 at the 11am Mass. Photo: Ron Tan. 

By Jamie O’Brien

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has last Sunday 25 March told the lay faithful that we are called to be women and men of generous self-giving, self-forgetfulness, absolute fidelity, and unbreakable love.

The Archbishop was speaking during his homily for the Palm Sunday Mass at 11am at St Mary’s Cathedral, where he was joined by more than 500 lay faithful for the commencement of Holy Week.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has last Sunday 25 March told the lay faithful that we are called to be women and men of generous self-giving, self-forgetfulness, absolute fidelity, and unbreakable love. Photo: Ron Tan.

“One of the questions which often plays on the minds of many good people, including us no doubt, is this: what must I do to live a truly good life?” the Archbishop questioned in beginning his homily.

“Behind this question of course is that deep realisation that as a human being I am in fact capable of great things: of extraordinary generosity, of selfless and self-sacrificing love, of great compassion and of large-hearted forgiveness,” he said.

Members of St Mary’s Cathedral Choir get ready to sing at the commencement of the Palm Sunday Mass on 25 March 2018. Photo: Ron Tan.

The Archbishop was joined for the Mass by concelebrants Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, St Mary’s Cathedral Acting Dean Fr Don Kettle, Assistant Parish Priests Frs Jeffey Casabuena and Conor Steadman (MC) and guest Fr Greg Donovan.

Music for the Mass was performed by the Cathedral Choir, conducted by Director of Cathedral Music Jacinta Jakovcevic.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has last Sunday 25 March told the lay faithful that we are called to be women and men of generous self-giving, self-forgetfulness, absolute fidelity, and unbreakable love. Photo: Ron Tan.

Speaking about the commencement of Holy Week, Archbishop Costelloe said that Palm Sunday was the beginning of our accompaniment of Jesus as he enters into Jerusalem, receiving the enthusiastic welcome of the crowds.

“But as we know, and as Jesus must also have known, many of these same people will turn against Jesus: that his entry into Jerusalem is in fact his entry into death.  And yet, he does not turn back,” Archbishop Costelloe explained.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has last Sunday 25 March told the lay faithful that we are called to be women and men of generous self-giving, self-forgetfulness, absolute fidelity, and unbreakable love. Photo: Ron Tan.

“Later this week, we will watch as Jesus sits at the table and shares a last meal with his disciples, giving them the bread and wine which are transformed into his body and blood, broken and spilt for them and for us.

“Even though, as we know, Jesus is very aware of what awaits him, on this night his thoughts are not with himself, but with his disciples who are also his friends,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

Read the Homily by Clicking Here