Book of Revelations set to inspire for 2018 Mandorla Art Awards

12 Jul 2017

By The Record

Year 10 student Julian Poon’s painting My Beloved Son, which won the 2012 Mandorla Youth Award. Photo: Supplied.
Year 10 student Julian Poon’s painting My Beloved Son, which won the 2012 Mandorla Youth Award. Photo: Supplied.

Entries for the 2018 Mandorla Art Award are now open with the theme taken from the Book of Revelations, ‘And then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband’ (Rev 21:1-2).

A series of artist forums are currently taking place across Australia and are designed to give artists the opportunity to gain context of the 2018 theme and each forum features a changing range of speakers including leading theologians, the curator and previous Mandorla finalists.

The forum in Perth will be held on Sunday 23 July from 2 to 4pm at Turner Galleries, 470 William Street, Northbridge.

Interested persons should contact for more information.

In a statement released last month, the Mandorla Art Committee said a new integrated payment system will allow artists who enter to provide all the required information on the one page, removing the need for manual payments.

Finalists of the 2018 Mandorla Art Award will have their artwork shown at Turner Galleries, which will be open to the public for an entire month from 1 – 30 June 2018.

As in previous years, following the main exhibition, a selection of works will be chosen to tour to the New Norcia Museum & Art Gallery, which houses one of the largest religious art collections in Australia.  Selected finalists’ artworks will also be shown at selected St John of God Health campuses in Perth, providing artists with up to three opportunities for their work to be shown to the public.

Entries close 12 March 2018. Winners will be announced at the Opening Night on 1 June 2018.

For more information go to