By Natashya Fernandez
We are all called to discern the hand of God at work in the mission and ministries of the Archdiocese, the Most Reverend Donald Sproxton VG, Auxiliary Bishop of Perth said at the 2017 Annual Archdiocesan Agencies Commissioning Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral last week on 7 July.
The Commissioning Mass was celebrated by Bishop Sproxton and concelebrated with Fathers Gregory Carroll and Philip Perreau, together with Fr Conor Steadman, Permanent Deacon Paul Reid and visiting priest from Uganda, Fr Philip Balikuddembe, National Director for Catholic Mission in Uganda.
In welcoming the gathering of more than 100 staff from agencies and organisations across the Archdiocese of Perth, Bishop Sproxton thanked all present for their dedication and commitment to their role.
“Our gathering today in the Cathedral brings together a small representative group of people who are committed to the formation and care of our Catholic people and many others who have significant needs in our society.
“The various works that we do in the name of the Catholic Church have enormous impacts on those we serve.
“The members of our agencies are committed to putting the person that comes to us at the centre of our concern. There are many wonderful outcomes that are achieved in the lives of those we serve.
“In this Mass, let us thank God for these ways in which lives are enhanced and flourish.
“There are those who require ongoing support and encouragement,” Bishop Sproxton said
While Bishop Sproxton called for all staff to seek the grace to continue what they do, he also said they should never give up on the outcomes they want to achieve.
“The processes that we employ in responding to the needs of others require of us great attention.
“Above all, we need to measure our responses according to the Gospel standards. I know the challenge that this presents. We are human and we are limited. The Gospels invite us to be generous, to walk the extra mile.
“As workers for the Kingdom of God, we are promised the grace to be partners with Jesus in those moments when we are tested,” he said.
“Those we seek to serve through our agencies are looking for their Holy Ground. They approach us in the hope that something in their lives can be changed and they can begin a new and positive life.
“The promise of Jesus for them can be fulfilled when we take on the Spirit of Christ. It is our hope that they will be able to say that they had some kind of encounter with Jesus through our kindness, our listening and our understanding.
“He went on to add that, the work that we do can become a positive experience within their personal history of salvation, that is, in their walking with God, who invites them to fullness of life.
In concluding his homily, Bishop Sproxton invited the congregation to pray for that Spirit of Christ to grow strongly within us.
“I thank God for your commitment to be the instruments through which the Lord works to bring so many to fuller and freer lives,” he added.