A strong sense of pride, service to others and leadership potential was on display when 12 Year Nine students from Iona Presentation College attended the GRIP Leadership Conference earlier this month.
The GRIP Student Leadership Conference is aimed at students who want to train and become leaders. Its practical and engaging format helps students present their information and experiences in ways that are relatable and engaging.
Iona Presentation College Head of Year Nine, Gemma Beekink, said the group took part in a variety of inspired sessions, including ‘Making an Assembly Amazing’, ‘Generating Ideas Outside of the Box’, ‘Overcoming Leadership Challenges’, ‘Turning Ideas into Action’ and ‘Seeking Support from your Peers’.
“The students has the opportunity to discuss their ideas and potential plans with other students at other schools while participating in networking activities,” Ms Beekink said.
“The conference helped build their confidence, improve their leadership skills as well as understand how other schools run fundraising events, leadership councils and develop school pride,” she said.
Student Ava Naylor said the conference gave the students an opportunity to brainstorm ideas that could be implemented into the Iona community focusing on the core value for 2017, which is social justice.
Fellow student Abby McNamara said she learned that to be a good leader one needs to be confident, responsible and inclusive.
“Trust is also vital to ensure that you are playing your role to help achieve the goals set by the leadership team,” she said.
While Iona sees many Year Nine students attend this conference every year, it is open to all secondary school students.
The conference is embedded into the Year Nine Pastoral Care Program as it links to the year group focus, ‘Making A Difference’.
Student Siena Crevacore said she feels really lucky to have been selected to attend the conference as it has allowed her and her fellow students to look at leadership in a new light.
“We will be able to bring back to Iona a different perspective on leadership, outside the traditional role of House Representative,” Siena said.
“I am excited to help the Year Nine cohort to develop new initiatives,” she said.
Ms Beekink went on to say that following the conference, the group will share and incorporate what they have learned into their experiences at Iona and beyond.
“It will equip them with the skills and practices needed to get their ideas heard,” Ms Beekink said.
“Year Nine is that transitional year; where they start developing towards being young adults.
“With these leadership skills, there is greater potential for success as they move towards their senior years,” she concluded.