Celebration of Mary’s Nativity shows she is Mother to us all

14 Sep 2016

By The Record

Fathers Michael Keating and Jeffey Casabuena concelebrated the annual Mass for the Nativity of Our Lady recently. Photo: Caroline Smith
Fathers Andre Feain FI and Jeffey Casabuena concelebrated the annual Mass for the Nativity of Our Lady recently. Photo: Caroline Smith

By Caroline Smith

Mary’s role as mother to all people makes her a key intercessor, bringing us all to Jesus, said visiting priest, Father Ken Keating, at a recent Mass celebrating the Nativity of Our Lady.

The annual midday Mass was held on 8 September at St Mary’s Cathedral Perth, and comprised a large crowd of parishioners and members of the wider Archdiocesan community, including members of the Legion of Mary.

Fr Feain – who concelebrated the Mass with Fr Jeffey Casabuena– described in his homily the importance of the Church being open to people outside the faith, referencing the teachings of Saint Maximilian Kolbe.

“At his first Mass, he (Kolbe) said, we should pray for the schismatics, the Communists and the freemasons,” Fr Feain said.

“This is what we need to do, because we pray for our enemies, since we are supposed to be bringing everybody to Christ.

“That’s what Mary did – she brought Christ to everyone she’s our mother. Regardless of our creed, regardless of our race, regardless of our age, Mary is the mother of God, and she is also our mother.”

Mary’s role as mother to all people makes her a key intercessor, bringing us all to Jesus, said visiting Father Ken Keating, speaking at a recent Mass celebrating the Nativity of Our Lady. Photo: Caroline Smith

Fr Feain added that Mary’s relationships with other people during her lifetime, as well as her intercessions since then, showed her continued importance in connecting people to her son, Jesus.

“She speaks to us through the Rosary, a great weapon for these times, through her apparitions and through prayer,” Fr Feain said.

“It is prayer that brings us closer to Jesus, and it is in Jesus that we find our hope and our salvation.”

The Mass’ musical program – arranged by Cathedral Director of Music Jacinta Jakocevic – included Schubert’s Ave Maria, a Memorial Acclamation and other pieces performed by Cantor Emma Oorschot, as well as the songs Immaculate Mary and Hail Queen of Heaven.

Following the service, attendees gathered around the exposed statue of Our Lady to venerate her, offer prayers and ask for special intentions.