By Caroline Smith
A recent two-day program in Rockingham brought together members of Perth’s Focolare Movement for discussion, workshops and other activities focusing on the family and some of the challenges posed to family life by circumstances such as illness and disability.
The event, entitled Christian Life in the Family, was held on Saturday, 9 and Sunday, 10 July at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Rockingham, with around 80 people, both adults and children, in attendance.
Saturday’s activities focused on the transformative power of the Gospel on family life and included workshops on different topics, ranging from Living together with younger and older generations, Youth and Parish life, Digital age, Prayer in the family and Stress-less.
The presentations were interactive, with participants raising questions to the speakers and asking for clarifications on different subjects.
The Saturday session ended with a presentation by Perth Focolare Coordinator, Corsi Taffertshofer, who spoke on “The Family in the Mind of God”, referencing a talk given in 1999 by the Movement’s founder, Chiara Lubich, at the International Congress in Lucerne.
Among the children and teenagers who attended the program, there was participation in the form of games and discussion, and they also helped organise the Vigil Mass on Saturday evening which was celebrated by Father Pierluigi Vajra CRS, parish priest at Our Lady of Lourdes.
The theme of Sunday’s program dealt with challenges faced by families from disabilities and prolonged illness.
After a morning Mass, attendees watched a video interview with Fr Brendan Purcell, assistant priest at Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney and adjunct Professor of Philosophy at Notre Dame, who spoke about the Christian meaning of suffering, both physical and spiritual.
Following the presentation, participants were prompted to discuss the question, raised by Fr Brendan, that the Christian answer for suffering is that “God shares it with us”.
The discussion primed attendees for the main activity of the day, a live-streaming from Melbourne of a health symposium, From Darkness to Light, which was organised by the Focolare Movement. The symposium also allowed participants to collectively explore and discuss some of the ideas raised in the streamed presentation.
Following the event, a number of those involved came forward to describe their experiences and what they took from the program.
“The life experiences on suffering and illness shared in the perspective of unity was very enriching,” said attendee, Domenico Martelletto.
“Having moments of fun and moments of deep reflection and meditation felt right for everyone. Some people whom I spoke with and couldn’t attend both days were sorry for having to missing the next day’s program.”