
18 Nov 2017

By The Record

Deacons Matthew Hodgson and Truc Nguyen, from St Charles’ Seminary in Guildford and Deacons Giovanni Raffaele, Rodrigo Da Costa Ponte and David Nieves from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Morley will be ordained to the priesthood by His Grace Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB on Friday, 4 March 2016 at St Mary’s Cathedral at 7.30pm. Photos: Deacons Truc, Rodrigo, David and Giovanni – Marco Ceccarelli; Deacon Matthew: Supplied

Deacons Matthew Hodgson and Truc Nguyen, from St Charles’ Seminary in Guildford and Deacons Giovanni Raffaele, Rodrigo Da Costa Ponte and David Nieves from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Morley will be ordained to the priesthood by His Grace Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB on Friday, 4 March 2016 at St Mary’s Cathedral at 7.30pm. Photos: Deacons Truc, Rodrigo, David and Giovanni – Marco Ceccarelli; Deacon Matthew: Supplied