Mayford says goodbye after milestone-teaching career

18 Dec 2014

By Jamie O'Brien

Mercy College teacher of 30 years, Mayford Godfrey, has this week retired from full-time teaching. PHOTO: Courtesy of Mayford Godfrey
Mercy College teacher of 30 years, Mayford Godfrey, has this week retired from full-time teaching. PHOTO: Courtesy of Mayford Godfrey

Not many teachers can say they have taught at one school for more than 30 years.

Mercy College teacher Mayford Godfrey is one of those rare persons.

The 68-year-old father of seven children and grandfather of nine has this week retired from full-time teaching, saying he became a teacher because he wanted to join a profession that was well regarded.

Originally from Bangalore, India, “Mr Godfrey”, as he was commonly known, taught in the area of science, biology and chemistry – but says he has also taught maths, English, social studies, health and the occasional relief Religious Education class.

He started teaching in 1975 at the age of 29, following his completion of a Bachelor of Science from Madras University.

Following his migration to Australia, Mr Godfrey undertook further studies including a post-graduate Diploma of Science and a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Western Australia.

For Mr Godfrey, being involved in the development of young minds and inspiring them to achieve their dreams and goals has been a highlight of his career.

“I’ll definitely miss the enthusiastic students who all talk at once, their cheerful faces, harmless mischief, hilarious answers and eagerness to do everything else but school work,” Mr Godfrey said.

“And how can I forget the task of signing endless notes to go to the toilet or sick bay just before tests!

“I’ll also miss my excellent, dedicated colleagues on teaching staff and their comradeship, as well as the spirit of Mercy College – which is second to none.”

Mr Godfrey was also well known for his involvement in various other tasks around Mercy College, which included chairing several committees, serving as Year Head, Department Head, manager of community relations, chairperson of the staff scholarship fund and examination marker.

He also carried out a dedicated involvement in the Army-Cadets unit at Mercy College, raising three Defence Cadet Units in the Mercy College State-Army Cadet Unit and at Northam, TS Marmion (Naval Reserve Cadets) with HQ @ Hillarys, 21 Flight (Air Training Corps-RAAF) and was the foundation Commanding Officer of all three units.

Mr Godfrey plans to savour his retirement before contemplating his next move which could include consultancy, community work and Church outreach projects.

Below, fellow colleague Rick High shared his thoughts on working with Mr Godfrey during the teacher assembly held to honour Mr Godfrey.

“The measure of any teacher’s contribution to a school is the legacy he or she has left behind.

I could share many anecdotes with you as Mayford has been at Mercy for over 30 years. I have too many senior moments now and my long-term memory is shot to ribbons – so no anecdotes.

Mayford came to us from St Joseph’s in Northam.

At Mercy, Mayford established an Air Training Corps Cadet Unit which subsequently morphed into the Bushrangers.

In the early years, we had graduation ceremonies for Year 12 which began with an evening Mass followed by a graduation dinner. When Mayford was Year 12 Head of Year, he split those two elements because more emphasis was being placed on the dinner.

To dignify the graduation ceremony, Mayford introduced gowns and sashes for the graduates.

He even forced staff to wear academic gowns, but thank God not mortar boards. Sadly, some of that gloss has now gone, but don’t our graduates look resplendent as they excitedly and proudly wear their gowns at graduation.

Under former Principal Barry Harvey, Mayford sought and was given the role of Public Relations on top of his other duties. That small start has morphed into a full-time position.

It was Mayford who introduced student scholarships and chaired the selection committee for many years.

Mayford initiated the formation of an ex-student Alumni Association and tried to attend as many reunions as he could. I am always impressed with the way he is so warmly greeted by his past students.

Finally, in the last two years of service at Mercy, Mayford initiated an Ex-Staff Association that was agreed to by Tony Curry and had its first meeting earlier this year. Len Barrett is the first convenor.

On behalf of Mercy College, thank you for all your dedication and enormous contribution over the years.

Editor’s Note – From a former student, Thank You, Mr Godfrey, for all your hard work, tireless efforts and positive spirit. You have left an imprint that will always be treasured on the hearts and minds of many.