Exam time: ten tips to stay on track

06 Nov 2014

By The Record

Catholic Youth Ministry has released some tips this week for students who commence their exams this month.
Catholic Youth Ministry has released some tips this week for students who commence their exams this month.

Catholic Youth Ministry has released some tips this week for students who commence their exams this month.

Tip #1: Plan!
Planning a timetable is essential. Be aware of the days and times of your exams. Put them in BOLD red and stick the timetable on your dashboard or pin it on a board in your room, or even your study table, to remind you of important dates and times.

Plan your study schedule according to that; keep to your schedule and remember, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”

Tip #2: Take Notes

If you are someone who regularly makes and takes notes, this should not be a problem for you.

However, for those who are not used to jotting down notes while studying, one rule is to write down the main points of the lecture. DO NOT copy word for word into your notebook because that is not making notes; that is transferring printed words into a written form.

Colour coding is another added tip. For example, red could mean important information, blue could be used to describe a specific mechanism of something and the list goes on. Colours help to stimulate our brains to remember better, especially if you use them for association purposes. Use colourful Post-its, highlighters and page markers.

Tip #3: Eat healthy snacks

In the midst of studying, I am pretty sure all of us experience an immense hunger. This is because our brain is using up the energy provided from the food to our body as we are studying and thinking. Hence, why not spoil yourself with a snack?

However, a healthy snack is more beneficial than junk food. Snacking on brain food such as almonds could help with brain stimulation. Moreover, you can even place small snacks on each part of a page so when you finish reading and understanding that part, you could eat the snack as a reward for studying. Another bonus? Eating healthily keeps your body feeling healthy and energetic.

Tip #4: Don’t rely on caffeine or energy drinks!
Nothing is ever good if it is too much, right? The same goes for caffeine and energy drinks. Drink them in moderation and do not depend on them. You may think that due to the stimulatory effect of the caffeine and energy drinks, you can stay awake longer and study effectively. However, a common aftermath of the drink is fatigue, which can be detrimental to the body.

Tip #5: Have a good break (whenever necessary)
Take a break after a whole load of studying. Stand up and stretch for a bit, karaoke to one of your favourite songs, or even watch a video or two on YouTube. Your body needs a moment to rest as well but in proportion to the amount of studying done. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, yes?

Don’t forget to BREATHE as well! C’mon, do it with me! Take a deeeeeeep breath, count in your head mentally one to five slowly, and exhale slowly. Does that instantly relax you a bit? Taking slow and deep breaths helps to keep the oxygen flowing in your body and your brain going at a good pace and prepares you for the next battle of conquering the next few parts of the lecture.

Tip #6: Study groups

Studying alone could lead to procrastination and major sleepiness, especially in a very silent environment. If that’s the case for you, maybe a study group could help.

A study group allows you to learn from others while learning by teaching others too.
You have a lot of enquiries? No problem. Discussion can be done and you not only help yourself but you are helping others to find the answers as well. If you have a question, someone else in the group will be bound to have the same question. Plus, your weaknesses may be someone else’s strength. Think of a study group as an accountability partner, with everyone in the study group motivating and encouraging each other to do more.

Tip #7: Acronyms, abbreviations, jokes, gestures and stories

Another way to study is to be active when you are studying. That means to constantly think of ways to remember certain facts or information through acronyms, abbreviations, jokes and stories. Make up an easy story, a song, a rhyme or even act if out. The trick is to make something that is really funny so you can remember it easily.

Tip #8: Keep moving forward

One of the major things that happens minutes prior to and after an exam is that people around you tend to ask questions, testing each other or recalling the answers to exam questions. All of this is distracting and you should not participate because it may be bad mentally for your other upcoming exams.

Having the constant thought of whether you knew the answer or not, or if you wrote the correct answer or not, does not make any difference anymore. What is done is done. Life goes on. If you didn’t do well for the test, there’s always next time. Strive on and push yourself to do better next time. Learn from your mistakes and improve on them; that’s the point of being examined, right?

Tip #9: Sleep

Sleep deprivation is bad. Never forsake the privilege of sleep. Why?

Sleep is supposed to rejuvenate you, restoring balance and detoxifying your body. Moreover, sleep plays a big role, not only on the physical but also mental and emotional being. Lack of sleep promotes fatigue, lack of awareness and emotional instability, which are not beneficial conditions to be in, especially for an exam.

Don’t think that because you’re young, you can push through everything. No matter how young or how old you may be, sleep is essential. It’s not worth burning the midnight oil if you’re not going to be physically, mentally and emotionally fit for the exam. You might even end up with more mistakes!

Tip #10: Prayers

The most important thing of all survival tips is to PRAY. Don’t ever forget that we have to cling on to God for strength and discipline to study and not give up. Pray for guidance. Pray for information retention. Pray for no temptation to cheat. Pray during preparations for your exam, before study sessions and especially before and after an exam. Don’t forget to offer up your efforts when studying into His hands. When you have done your part, God will do His part. And don’t make prayers your last resort! Praying should always be your first thing to do in any situation.

In conclusion, I hope these ten tips have helped you. Exam periods are tough times but you’ll pull through it. Don’t forget that you are not alone on this journey.

Good luck!